Monday, March 19, 2012

Parts of the Body (Hokey Pokey)

Currently Kindergarten is learning about the parts of the body in Science. We are using the Hokey Pokey to help us identify parts in English and Spanish

Hokey Pokey
You put your ___________ in,
You put your ___________in,
You put your _________ in
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey
 and you turn yourself around
and that’s what it’s all about!

Hands (Manos)
Feet (Pies)
Arms (Brazos)
Legs (Piernas)
Head (Cabeza)
Body (Cuerpo)

We are also studying subtraction. See if your learner can show you a subtraction problem using their toys or a snack. For instance, I have 11 jellybeans. I ate 6 and now I have 5 left. You can also review the opposite as an addition problem. For instance, I have 6 jellybeans and my friend has 5. If we put all the jellybeans together, we have 11.